Revolution of Ordinaries

Discipleship for Ordinary People

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We are praying for kingdom movements and equipping everyday people to impact the world with the good news about Jesus. We do this through articles, YouTube, and building a community that we would love for you to be part of. Here’s the Vision

Thank you so much!! I had figured everything else myself, but the blade guard was not moving up as I lowered the blade. Thanks to you explaining the notches needed…
I think we forget that Aninias and Sapphire were filled with the holy Spirit when they held back the money and then lied about it. This makes a big difference…
Reply #2: Ok, I think I understand this verse now. One of the holy spirit's jobs is to convict non-believers of sin in order to "draw" them to Jesus. Non-believers…
I stand corrected - I found it. Jesus did talk about this in Matthew 12:31-32 and an example of blashemey of the holy spirit is given in Matthew 12:22-24 22Then…