
for Making Disciples & Planting Churches

Studies With Seekers

Jesus 101 – A study that discovers who Jesus really is through the Gospel of Mark


Good News Bible Study – This study demonstrates how Jesus and his mission is truly good news in their world and for us today.



Discovery Bible Study is a simple way for anyone to study the Bible with anyone at anytime.

Discipleship Resources

A process that anyone can use to start a discipleship group.

Everything you need to get started making disciples on a single page.

Maybe you are trying to make a big decision, heal a relationship or work through an issue. This tool gives simple steps to walk you through a time of intentional discernment with God.

Do you, your family, small group or church want to engage in 40 days of prayer? This guide is a quick start with topics and scriptures to get you started.

A step by step guide of how to prayer walk. Prayer walking is a powerful approach to engaging your community through prayer and connecting with those you meet along the way.

This guide will help you understand who people of peace are, how to find them, and what they can do to accelerate the impact of your mission.

This assessment identifies the gifts of the Spirit from the New Testament, defines the gifts and helps you discern which gift might be the one God has entrusted you with.

100 times in the Greek New Testament the word “Allelon” appears and it means “one another.” A careful study of these passages shows us the responsibilities we have toward each other in Christ and what kinds of things we should never do to each other as disciples.

Do you want to Plant Churches & Make Disciples?

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