25 Things

Right when you thought it died out here it comes again. After a few mind, knee and hand numbing days of laying hardwood floors I need to think about something trivial. So here goes… I have lived in 5 states (In order – Union, Missouri; Tuscumbia, Alabama; Searcy, Arkansas, Memphis, Tennessee; and St. Petersburg, Florida) […]

A Great Babywise Blog – Chronicles of a Babywise Mom

For those of you raising infants with the Babywise method, there is a great blog called Chronicles of a Babywise Mom that you will defintely want to check out. Babywise is a great method and has been really good in helping Jonah get on a decent schedule and at least sleep through the night. The […]

Jonah, the $45,000 Baby

We just got the bill from the hospital for Jonah’s birth in October. Who would have thought a C-Section and three days in the hospital would be $45,000? Good thing we have insurance and only have to pay less than $1000 of that. So thank you Aetna.

25 Lessons from Being a Father of a Two Month Old

There are some lessons you learn very quickly when you are the father of a two month old boy: When changing a diaper never get careless. When changing a diaper, always be quick and never, ever do it under a ceiling fan or in a cold room. Baby smiles make your heart melt. Babywise is […]

Jonah Likes Corvettes Too

I have tried to give the Corvette back twice. Looks like it goes back on Sunday. When do squatters’ rights kick in? Ah well…life is tough sometimes. One more trip in convertible mode and I should be good for a while. The only thing Jonah and I hold against it is that you can’t put […]