What The Motivational Speakers Just Don’t Get

Motivational speakers can be extremely helpful. They can inspire us, get us moving when we struggle to move. But there are some things secular speakers can’t wrap their minds around which are extremely important. They can’t because they aren’t coming at what they do as a Christian, from a Christian worldview. The first is that […]

The Ever Present Problem of Confirmation Bias

We all believe what we believe and typically want what we believe to be true. Not only do we want it to be true, we believe what we already believe is true, otherwise we would believe something else. In short, we think we are right and other people are wrong, unless of course they agree […]


There is plenty to go around but how much of it is yours to own? Blame. It is the gift we want to give but not receive…dispense freely but never hoard. Blame Blame sets you free when you hand it to someone else but feels like it imprisons you when you hold on to it. […]

One of the Most Dangerous Trends Today and 10 Tips to Counteract it

The dangerous trend is the rush to judgment without the facts. We react. We react quickly. We react repetitively. Our minds are being trained to view and respond, view and respond at such a fast rate that our accuracy is drastically diminished. How many different social media posts do you think your eyes scan in […]

The “Rolling in their Graves” Argument

Although we like to say that tradition doesn’t carry authority for us like it does in the Catholic church the truth is, in practice, many times it does. How many times have you heard an idea rebuffed because either “We’ve never done it that way” or “The people who started this church would be rolling […]


Guarded – that’s a great word for our communication these days…at least for those who care. Those who care about others are guarded because people who care don’t want to upset people. That is a good thing but it makes having difficult conversations quite difficult. We have developed a cultural sensitization to offensive things. The […]

Five Sources of Negative Cultural Syncretism in Christianity

Syncretism is the blending of different religions into something that isn’t really any of its original components. Some people call this a la carte religion. You pick a little of this and a little of that until you come up with something that agrees with your sensibilities. As secularism and secular-humanism is on the rise […]

When The Pendulum Hits You In The Head

Pendulum swings are a necessary part of theological discourse. It is only natural that at times we find ourselves out of balance in a particular area and so we course-correct. What often happens is because we have been so out of kilter in a given direction we don’t really know how hard to push the […]