The Cracks Are Showing In American Christianity (10 things to do)

If you found an antique car in a barn and purchased it for an amazing price, would you rather pour time and countless amounts of money restoring it or would you rather sell it, take the profit, and get something new? The restoration process wouldn’t guarantee that it would be successful. You can try and […]

Why Christianity Fights Against Accountability

Do you know why churches struggle with accountability? How preachers can do all kinds of crazy stuff and go unchecked for years…it is because we took a page from worldly leadership. That’s why. There is no accountability in Washington.There seems to be little to no accountability in major corporations (could be wrong on that – […]

House Church & Flexibility to Follow the Spirit’s Lead

One of the things I love about house church is the ability to be flexible because the Spirit doesn’t move in a straight line. It is hard to turn a big ship but a small ship can be turned at a moment’s notice. When you organize “Big church” worship everything needs to be planned and […]

Five Things To Consider Before Starting a House Church

1 – Discern if this is God’s calling. If it is just a feeling in your gut without direction from God, it will fail. This is a BIG responsibility so take it seriously. Gather some trusted, mature disciples together to fast and pray. See what God shows you. Discuss it together and make a decision […]

I Met a Man Today…

He had tears in his eyes. I asked him why he seemed so sad and he said he was happy…he was happy because God’s people had taken notice of him and helped him. He felt so much peace. He said he didn’t need to look over his shoulder to see who was trying to hurt […]

Free Logistics Tool For Planting a Church

I have written up our processes and procedures at Backyard Church. My hope is that if you want to start a house church, that this can clear up some of the things that you typically have to figure out to get started. My hope and goal is that people pick this up and have a […]

Kingdom Contraction? Is the Kingdom Shrinking?

We hear about it all the time. Churches are closing. We have less Christians than we used to. People aren’t attending church with the same consistency. Is the Kingdom shrinking? The Bible talks about an ever expanding kingdom. The Kingdom is like a mustard seed that, though small, grows into an invasive plant that expands […]

The Hidden Cost of A Divided Christianity

When we are divided we are not as effective at being disciples or making disciples. If I believe that my preference trumps our unity then I have bought the lie that my feelings and opinions trump Jesus’ instructions. Bottom line – Our disunity and division cost the kingdom new disciples. There are people we might […]