Review of Rob Bell’s Love Wins (Part 2)

Bell begins Love Wins by laying out some common ground with some thoughts few would disagree with, “First, I believe that Jesus’ story is first and foremost about the love of God for every single one of us. It is a stunning, beautiful, expansive love, and it is for everybody, everywhere.” (p. vii) Next, he […]

Review of Rob Bell’s Love Wins (Part 1)

First, I am very happy to see that BWIII is reviewing this book. He always does a phenomenal job. As I read Love Wins I have some challenges in how I can approach sharing any thoughts on it. I am an analytical thinker and this book is hard to dissect that way. So I hesitate […]

Rob Bell on MSNBC Regarding “Love Wins”

Thanks to Jim West for pointing this out. This is a video of Martin Bashir interviewing Rob Bell regarding his new book. Just after the three minute mark it sounds like Bell is admitting that his book is based on speculation, “Now how exactly that works out and how exactly that works out in the […]

Tim Challies’ Review of Rob Bell’s Book “Love Wins”

Thanks to Terry for pointing out Tim Challies recent review of Rob Bell’s new book. I have a lot of respect for Tim Challies but even if I didn’t, he quotes Bell’s book in numerous places in his review and Bell says some very troubling things. Tim is not one to take things out of […]

Church Pantry Ideas – Food Planters

Nooma #23 – Corner There is a ministry in our area called Five and Two food. They make it their business to make sure hungry people get fed. Dave, who works with this ministry, had a couple of ideas for our pantry that I thought I would pass on because it is so practical and […]

Recommended Bible Curriculum List – DVD

It is a HUGE challenge trying to figure out which Bible class and small group curriculum to purchase. Let’s make a list of the curriculum we have used that we know are quality. Most of us don’t like tossing large amounts of money at something from our church education budgets unless we know it is […]

An Interesting Interview with Rob Bell

Thanks to Philip for sending this link. Bell talks about everything from the end of the Nooma series, new projects, how he looks at content and saying more with less, the challenges of church leadership, Christians in society and assembly, etc, etc. Whatever you think of Bell, there are some interesting insights in the interview […]

Rob Bell on the 10th Commandment

Some really powerful and insightful words from Rob Bell at Catalyst regarding the 10th commandment (not to covet) and its application to ministries and ministers. Here is an excerpt from Out of Ur’s summary of his message, “Rob professed his amazement at Christian organizations that rank the most significant churches and organizations based on size. […]