Frank Viola’s Kind Words Toward the Church of Christ And Restoration Movement Heritage

Frank Viola recently spoke at the NCY Ministers Conference. All of you guys from a Church of Christ/Restoration Movement background should hear his presentation, especially the introduction. I appreciate his kind words regarding the contribution churches of Christ have made to Christianity (first 10 minutes or so of the talk). I also appreciate Frank’s willingness […]

The Sinner’s Prayer is Making the Rounds

I am seeing more and more blogs discussing the sinner’s prayer these days. There is this saying in the Churches of Christ that says we are usually about 20 years behind what other churches are doing. In this instance it seems they are 200 years behind us! I kid when I say that because it […]

Ben Witherington’s Review of Pagan Christianity

It has been almost 9 years since the first edition of Viola and Barna’s book Pagan Christianity hit the shelves so I know I am behind the ball here. I had heard of this book but hadn’t really had a look at it until this year. I ran across Ben Witherington’s five part review over […]

Get Simple

A great point from Frank Viola and Leonard Sweet’s Jesus Manifesto, (edited down a bit) “In Acts 2:42, we read about something called ‘the apostles’ doctrine.’..what exactly was it? Before we answer that question, let’s reframe it. Here’s the scene. The Twelve have just baptized three thousand new converts. Tomorrow, they will begin teaching these […]

Jesus Manifesto – Introduction

I just got a copy of Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola’s newest book, “The Jesus Manifesto” and wanted to share a few thoughts along the way. I really appreciate the way they frame the discussion as not a way to move more to the right or the left but a way to move forward (xv). […]