Gospel of Mark – Common Mission & Message (6:6b-30)

Mark is certainly a delicious book with all of the sandwiches he leaves throughout the narrative. We have another sandwich in Mark 6. Crust – Jesus Sends out the Twelve (6:6b-13) Meat – John the Baptist Beheaded (6:14-29) Crust – The Twelve Return (6:30-30) The inner part always illuminates the outer part. What does that […]

What Message Are We Sending?

Missy and I were driving back from a wedding on Saturday. It was pouring down rain, visibility was very limited and we were going about 60 miles an hour at 11:00 at night. All of a sudden a truck passed us going at least 90 with that big sticker on the back tailgate that reads […]

30 Tips for Teaching a Bible Class

1. Read the text as if you have never read it before. 2. Read the text multiple times looking for repeated words and phrases – may help you see broader themes. 3. Find the connection between stories (Gospels, OT narrative). There is usually a flow or connecting theme that makes sense out of the order […]

Teaching the Gospel of Mark

Our men’s class will be starting a new series on the Gospel of Mark on Wednesday. The book divides so nicely after chapter eight that I decided to try something different. I am going to take the first eight chapters and then our men will be taking the last eight chapters. This will be an […]

Responsibility Crisis Among Christians

We have a major responsibility crisis as the body of Christ. For a long time we have referred to this dilemma as the 90/10 rule (90% of the work is done by 10% of the people). The head of the body has asked for us to get some things done but not all the parts […]

Bobby Cohoon Lives & Some Resources

Just wanted to let any of you worried souls out there know that Bobby Cohoon is alive and well. I got an email from him this morning. Now that you are all very relieved I also wanted to mention this website by Michael Williams. Michael has an MDiv and does workshops on being a more […]

Homeostasis – The Challenge of Spiritual Maturity

Homeostasis – a relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group – Webster’s Dictionary   We tend to gravitate toward the things we are most comfortable with. We are most comfortable with the things we […]

Evangelism – Helping Reluctant Messengers

Not all of God’s messengers in scripture were as eager as we would like to think. Not everyone responded as quickly and wholeheartedly as Peter and Levi. Moses said he wasn’t a good speaker. Isaiah had lip problems – how could he speak for God when he had said some things that weren’t so godly […]

Top Ten Ways To Equip Someone For Ministry

1. Get out of the way and let someone else do something you think you are really good at. It may take them longer and they may make mistakes that will make you cringe but let they try it anyway. 2. Point people to Jesus rather than pointing toward yourself. People will never be equipped […]

Mutual Submission and Christian Maturity

“Submit to one another out of reverance for Christ.” – Eph 5:21 One of the biggest signs of Christian maturity is submitting to another Christian whose ideas and methods do not seem as good as your own.