Moving Beyond Application Questions

For the first time in my Bible class experience we actually had application during Bible class this morning. The background of what we did is too much to cover in this post but will probably talk about more later. Our 20s & 30s class has decided that talking about our faith isn’t enough. We have […]

Bible Class Archive Keeps Growing!

More lessons have been added to the archive of free Bible class materials. Thanks to all those who have contributed. Here are the current stats of what is in the archive: Lessons: 394 Pages: 1252 Series: 34 More to come! If you have some Bible class material you have written for your local congregation that […]

Changing Sunday School

Our 20s & 30s class is seriously considering changing the way we do Sunday school. It is not that we want less Bible study it is more that we need a time and place where we can plan to make a real difference. I am not sure how all this is going to work out […]

Do Church-goers Really Get Salvation? – Education

In a previous post I made the point that major points of Christian faith and doctrine are going untaught in our churches. I asked the question of whether or not church goers today really understood what salvation was really all about. The post closed with these words about education, “The only way people in the […]

Ten Challenges in Teaching Revelation

Tomorrow night we finish Revelation in our Men’s class. This is the first time I have ever taught a class on Revelation and it was about as difficult as I thought it would be. There are several challenges to tackling this book in a Bible class: Dealing with disagreement – people have strong and varied […]

Recommended Bible Curriculum List – DVD

It is a HUGE challenge trying to figure out which Bible class and small group curriculum to purchase. Let’s make a list of the curriculum we have used that we know are quality. Most of us don’t like tossing large amounts of money at something from our church education budgets unless we know it is […]

Communicate Your Assumptions

The church I grew up in knew why we worshiped. We knew why we had Bible class. We knew that if the doors were opened we were going to be there. We didn’t need much explanation because we had been doing these things since we were little. Fortunately and unfortunately many in congregations today did […]

Bible Class Archive – More Additions

The Bible Class Archive of free Bible class curriculum stands at 999 pages and over 300 lessons! I just added a new lesson series in from Tim Archer on his book Letters from the Lamb. I will also be adding in several lesson series in the coming weeks by David Chadwell of the West-Ark Church […]

Bible Class Blogging

We all know that 1-2 hours a week to grow our faith isn’t sufficient. I have been feeling the pull for a while to find ways to help people grow and continue the discussions once Bible class has ended. One of the things I am going to try is a blog for our 20s & […]