God, Superheros and Kids

Last week, Missy was in Walgreens with the boys. Jonah had on a superman cape and caught the attention of several of the shoppers. One guy walked up and said, “He has a superman cape on” as if Missy would have been unaware of this until pointed out by a total stranger. When you have […]

Kids, Play and the Power of Narrative

I have been reading Donald Miller’s book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, highly recommend it. This book is Miller’s reflection on working with producers on the movie version of Blue Like Jazz. Turns out, life isn’t like the movies…most of us wouldn’t make good movie characters. As Miller reflects on their take on […]

Some People Don’t Like Change

Missy was playing with some dominoes with Jonah yesterday. He found one that didn’t have any white dots on it. He asked Missy if she could put dots on it. She said she couldn’t. So then he asked her if Jesus could (not bad for a boy who just turned three, right!). She said, “Jonah, […]

Jonah Said the Sweetest Thing

Last night as we came home from LIFE group Missy and I were discussing Elijah’s (our 11 month old) birthday party. At his party we are asking people to bring gifts for the localĀ  Children’s Hospital (All Childrens) and Jonah was listening to the details. He went into his room, got out his bin of […]

Elijah is Crawling

It is really great to see your child crawl for the first time. Now Elijah isn’t full out crawling. His crawling is more like dragging himself across the room with just his right arm but it is a start! Missy refers to it as the soldier in the movie who lost an arm and a […]

The Days of Elijah are Almost Here!

It is hard to believe we will be holding our new baby boy Elijah in less than three weeks! God has been so good to us. Missy is such a great mother and wife. I don’t know how she does all that she does. Jonah is such a great son and a joy to be […]

Jonah at 17 Months

Here are some new pictures of Jonah from the last month. It is amazing to watch him grow and learn. At St. Pete Beach Yes, he is wearing a diaper… With his Easter bunny his grandma got him Dressed up for church on Easter In dad’s undershirt Peeking on the playground at GCCS What he […]

The False Illusion of Being in Control

One of the moments in my life where I was the most scared by my lack of being able to control the outcome was during the birth of Jonah. He was born via emergency c-section due to complications during delivery. The 5-7 minutes I spent waiting outside the operating room doors was agonizing. Would Missy […]