Oprah Show and Pornography

Yesterday’s Oprah show had the results of an online poll from Oprah.com showed that 50% of respondents felt pornography had affected their sex lives and 72% said the effect had been a positive one. Something tells me the sample of respondents was not very representative of the general population. The show was pushing to re-label […]

Four Greats of the Church

“A great commitment to the great commandments and the great commission will result in a great church.” – Kerry Cox I thought that was a pretty good statement. When we are committed to letting our love for God and others go into action to win the lost good things will certainly follow. Remove any of […]

Confessing Our Sins and Perceived Weakness

In most churches the majority of the prayer requests are about physical health. One reason for this is because physical problems are more obvious and painful. Why is it that most church goers don’t make very many confessional or spiritually focused prayer requests? One reason is probably because sin is not visibly obvious and doesn’t […]

The Paradox of Cross Bearing

When I am studying with someone about Jesus Christ I  make a real effort not to sell them on a discipleless Christianity. In the past I have been so nervous that to say too much was going to scare people away but the result was a nominal and uncommitted “conversion” because people were buying into […]

Greatest Kind of Love

John 15:13 – “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” Love comes easily when it comes at no cost. I think Jesus would say that love at no cost to you is really not love at all. How often do we continue to love others when […]