The Formative Power of the Wilderness in Discipleship

Are you struggling with no end in sight? There is a name for what you are going through. What you are facing is the Wilderness. Here are some examples of wilderness wanderings we find ourselves in today For some reason the wilderness seems more apparent in your 40s than in your 20s. There is good […]

We Meet God on the Dance Floor Of Prayer

What if we really prayed about just about everything? What if we so relied on God’s help that we had something to say to him in any situation? You might only do this if you think God is talking. Who listens to someone you don’t think is speaking? In every situation there is something we […]

Many Church Divisions Are Caused By the Same Thing

We tend to think churches split over disagreements on issues but typically churches split over personalities rather than issues. The issues are the symptom. The personality problems are the underlying cause. Most church divisions could be avoided if we could get the personalities out of the ways…the factions and subgroups…those who follow Paul vs Apollos […]

Tips for Recording Sermons for Livestream, Facebook, and YouTube

With so many preachers now preaching to empty rooms while we are all maintaining distance during the COVID-19 pandemic I would like to share a few ideas to help you get up and running to record and stream your services to continue to get a weekly message from the Bible to your congregation. Video – […]

Coronavirus and a Gospel Bigger Than Dying and Going to Heaven

If we think the biblical gospel is getting sins forgiven to die and go to heaven we won’t think the gospel has much to do with our present coronavirus crises. If dying and going to heaven is the gospel, why did Jesus heal people and hold up the gospel process of getting them to heaven? […]

Unity & Division: Two Sides of the Same Coin

The apostle Paul gives us instruction on the true meaning of unity and what it takes to maintain it in Ephesians 4. First, he says unity is created by God and maintained by God’s people (4:3). God creates unity through the work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We maintain the unity God created. The […]

What Is It God Really Wants?

This has become a very important question for me and I want to share a few reasons why that you may find helpful. I don’t really think I can get inside the mind of God and come up with His answer for every conceivable question. The benefit of asking this question is not to get […]