Do We Over Complicate Discipleship?

Some people have a lot of reservations about discipleship. I think it boils down to two things: 1) our church culture – We live in a time of experts. Ministry has been delegated or relegated to professionals. This means we expect ministry to be done in a particular way: on a quarter system, administrated by […]

If You Ever Wanted to Write But Never Started – Start Here

I have so many relationships and connections through my writing. I cannot imagine what things would be like if I had never started 12 years ago. All of you have taught me so much. The conversations have been so rich. When you create, good things happen. Blessings take place. Lives are changed. None of this […]

Jesus Cares About Failure Less than We Do

People fear failure more than they fear death. Fear paralyzed people from making needed changes to improve their quality of life. It is fearing trying and failing more than not trying. We need to get comfortable with failure. Jesus doesn’t mind if we fail as much as we mind if we fail. I know this […]