Putting God in the Box of Logic

I think we have all figured out by now that you cannot put God in a box. Have you ever thought about the fact that out of the 13 or so billion people who have ever lived over thousands and thousands of years of human history less than 1 billion of them were influenced by […]

Suggested Titles for Future Rob Bell Nooma Videos

Rob, how about using some of these titles for future Nooma videos? And how about more variety in the amazing skill you have of using the awkward pause to keep our attention? Lint – Things that are right in the core of your being and are there all the time but you seldom realize it […]

N.T. Wright on Attempting to Restore New Testament Christianity

“Many writers…have seen the religious experience of the early Christians…as the normative element within Christianity. This has the apparent advantage that it enables one to conduct the ‘scientific’, supposedly ‘objective’ study of early Christian religion and theology, with the knowledge that when one has found them one is in touch with the real model of […]