Rob Bell Spoof Videos on YouTube

There are quite a few Rob Bell Nooma spoofs out there. YouTube has about a dozen. Rob Bell has some very specific mannerisms and unique camera angles that are just begging for someone out there to do something like this. Here is one of the better ones. My favorite line – “The person next to […]

Can You Script Authentic?

I have been previewing curriculum, video series, and small group materials for some upcoming quarters and I have noticed a common thread in most of the videos I have seen. There is a move that has taken place from talking at the viewer to talking to the viewer. Two of the presenters I have seen […]

What do You Know About Rob Bell?

I just started reading Velvet Elvis tonight. I have been hearing more and more about Rob Bell and wanted to find out for myself how good his material and writing is. I have been pleasantly surprised with how well this book has been written. He does a good job of integrating a large amount of […]