Church Steps: How People Move Through the Steps

One of the most important elements of Church Steps is gathering and organizing information. First, you have to understand the structure to our organization. Some time back a few of us got together to talk about how this was going to work. We had just read Andy Stanley’s book Seven Practices of Effective ministry and […]

Q & A on “Church Steps” Outreach

I asked my friend Philip Cunningham for some feedback and what questions he had so far about our “Church Steps” Outreach we have started at Northwest. Here are Philip’s questions and my answers: Philip: What is the age range of your outreach group?  Also- the median age? Our ministry is representative of the congregation. The […]

Summary of Our Church Steps Outreach Ministry

In case you have missed some of the posts over the last few months let me get you up to speed. We started an approach to outreach at Northwest we are calling “Church Steps”. About two years ago our leadership had a discussion about being more evangelistic. A few of us got together and came […]

Church Steps Outreach Material Updated

I just updated the “Church Steps” outreach material page on the blog Church Steps Outreach One of the biggest questions people have when faced with blazing a trail into a new (or old but forgotten) arena is what can this look like? If you can help people see what something can look like you remove […]

Outreach – Things Are Finally Starting to Click

Several months ago we started to organize our outreach on Wednesday night (read more about the approach here). We have always had a lot of visitors at Northwest but since we started doing this, we have had a ton of first time visitors, pretty much every week. We have also had a lot of people […]

Wednesday Night Outreach Class – Try This Out

Every Wednesday we have a group of people who get together to do coordinate outreach. This is not a class about how to do outreach or a Bible study on what outreach is about, why we should do it, etc. We do have some of that from time to time but that is not what […]

Helping Christians Become More Evangelistic

A modern worldview fixes everything with information. The problem is, that doesn’t work. You know this already. You know the tendency…that when a problem arises (people aren’t evangelistic enough) that the solution is always the same (have more lessons on it). And if people don’t get it, what do we do then? Teach it even […]

Three Verses and One Question to Motivate Outreach

Luke 6:46 – “Why do you call me Lord, Lord and do not do what I say?” Matthew 28:18-20 – “18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son […]

Three Purposes of Outreach at Northwest

About four months ago we revamped one of our Wednesday night Bible classes to be a time of outreach. I have blogged about this a few times if you need some background on what this is, what we do, etc. When we started all of this we had one main purpose – to get people […]

There Are No Quick Fixes

We have been developing people to be more evangelistic and outreaching toward visitors and their friends and neighbors. Turns out Jesus and Paul were right…the real results of all of this take time. Jesus talked about a sower who went out and sowed seeds. The crop that lasted was not what sprung up in an […]