Faith or Fault?

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Mark 2 is full of people who found faith and people who found fault. Read all four stories in the chapter and you will see it in each one.

We get to choose which one we are going to be. If you choose to live in fear you choose to be the critic. If you choose to not be okay with things being outside your control you most easily slide into the role of the cynic.

But these things are not of faith.

Sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking that we are just trying to help but it is less than helpful.

In Mark 2 we find the story of the men who dig a whole through the roof to lower their paralyzed friend down into the crowded room. I can only imagine that some complained as gravity is on the side of making a mess on the heads of those in the crowded room.

But Jesus didn’t see what everyone else saw. Jesus saw faith, “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” – 2:5

Jesus saw faith.

When Jesus looks at you does he see faith or fault. Does he see faith or fear? You get to decide which one you will participate in and it affects everything.

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