Borrowing imagination…

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will only take you so far. There are more good (and bad) resources (blogs, books, audio/video, etc) available today than any other point in history.

What is at least as significant is that these resources are more accessible than ever before (often instant).

Unfortunately that means I can easily make a living off borrowed imagination over doing the more difficult heavy lifting of appropriating what I read and learn from others into my unique and authentic self.

There is a very real temptation to run across the profound and sticky ideas of others, spoken and written into contexts other than our own, and believe repeating those are somehow guaranteed to have more impact than speaking from our own unique but seemingly less profound perspective and experience.

I believe God’s hand is in placing us where we are called to minister and we often need to trust Him more in knowing that He can use us in ways that may not seem as cutting edge to us but are exactly what God’s children need in your particular context need.

Good ideas are certainly worth sharing but always remember that those writers don’t shepherd the particular flock you have been called to. They don’t know these sheep by name as you do. So trust God’s provision, borrow when appropriate, and know that God can use our weaknesses and inability to be as eloquent as the next person to still move mountains.

2 Responses

  1. Matt, good thoughts here.
    One thing I have learned from my background in education is the true value of imagination. God speaks to this when He asks us to “Be Still.” I know that in education we get much better responses from students when they are allowed time to think. In our spiritual lives we also need time to think. I believe that in the still-ness of our most precious commodity, time, we are allowed to open our ears to the voice of God/Holy Spirit. It is when we trust God to guide us that we get the best direction/instruction for our life and our present situation. It is important to remove the distractions of our lives (including the input of media and other earthly influences) in order to focus and clarify our thoughts and what God’s purpose is.

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