Two Questions that Are Essential For Discipleship

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Last year we created an evangelistic study of Mark called Jesus 101. The study is designed to be used with seekers so that they can discover who Jesus is by studying Mark. Mark is the perfect book for that because it is a little bit of a mystery until chapter 8. At that point in Mark and in the study things start to crystallize about exactly who Jesus is. Before you can become a disciple you have to answer the question “Who is Jesus?”. What is more, this is exactly what Jesus asked his disciples in Mark 8:27-30…first Jesus asked who do people say he is and followed that up with “who do you say I am?”. We are working on a followup study on discipleship and its focus is going to be the second most important question that has to come after the first, “Who, then, am I?” In order to be a disciple you first have to figure out who Jesus is and then figure out, based on all of that, who you are. That is all very simple but for some reason it has taken a while for that to crystallize in my mind.

7 Responses

  1. I think you would also have to wrestle with the question of “What does it mean when I (we) say the Bible is inspired? I am Church of Christ, and I am worried that in the rush to throw out “Command, example, necessary inference” (which I am not a fan of) we have replaced it with, well, nothing except what feels good.

    If you have not read it, N. T. Wright’s book “When God Became King” I think would fit really well in this discussion.

    1. Rob, I am a progressive who understands what you are saying. While you may disagree, I see many in the CoC who call themselves progressive who are simply part of a bland evangelicalism. They have not actually progressed; they simply, as it may be said in the business world, made a lateral movement. For all intents and purposes, they became conservative Baptist. The only thing that keeps in the CoC is the weekly communion.

      The answer to discipleship is not necessarily throwing away traditions. A CoC in which its members are totally aware that they are children of God, who are Christ conscience in their dealings with their neighbor, can be a light of Christ without the instrument just as much as, lets say,an Episcopal church or Methodist church can be with the instrument. Again, it depends on how conscientously members live in and before God; if they approach life as “all things from God, through God and to God”. When a person is wrapped by the love of Christ by a local church, its traditions become their traditons; but it is Christ they worship.

  2. Immediately after Jesus asked His disciples about who He is, He began to teach them about His coming death and resurrection, and Peter objected. He then talked about discipleship.

    Understanding discipleship begins with understanding who Jesus is and how He approached his mission.

    1. Excellent point Jerry. That is perfect! I wish I had continued on with the Mark example. I appreciate you filling in those blanks like you did.

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