Watershed Moments: Pivotal Points in Church History by Mark Adams

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Watershed Moments is a curriculum written by a good friend of mine, Mark Adams for 21st Century Christian about Church history from a Restoration perspective. Mark has really outdone himself on this book. It is extremely well written. It is also extremely brief to actually cover the 13 moments/people as thoroughly and as thoughtfully as he has. If you are looking for curriculum on church history that won’t bore your class to pieces give this a try.

Also, if you want a quick synopsis of important moments in Christian history pick this up as well because it would provide that for someone wanting an entry level work.

This book covers:

  1. Martyrs and Monks
  2. Early Christian councils
  3. Constantine/Augustine
  4. Patrick of Ireland and evangelizing the barbarians
  5. Islam and the Crusades
  6. Luther, Catholicism and Corruption
  7. Zwingli
  8. Calvin and predestination
  9. Rationalism, Spiritualism/Quakers, and Pietism
  10. Wesley, Edwards and the Great Awakening
  11. Stone/Campbell and the Restoration Movement (Cane Ridge & Springfield Presbytery)
  12. Thomas Campbell and the Declaration and Address
  13. Lipscomb – Divisions within the Restoration Movement (Disciples, Churches of Christ and Christian Church)

He actually weaves these moments in history and historical Christian figures together with skill. Each chapter ends with discussion questions that are very well thought out and contain more verses to consider. That makes the book good material for a discussion oriented Bible class or small group.

The only thing I can think of that would improve this book is application questions. Most of the questions were about principles and thinking through how we see these things today but little was geared toward actually making application or change based on the principles that were learned in the chapters.

Price – $3.75!
Supplemental Powerpoint presentation – $4.99

0 Responses

  1. Matt,

    Thanks so much for (a) taking the time to read my book and (b) giving it such a gracious review. It is a subject that I think is far too neglected in our circles, and I really hope this will help provide a first step for people wanting to learn more about history and what it has to do with us.


    1. James…just looking over your small group lessons. Would you mind if I posted them to the Bible lessons here on this blog? I would give you full credit and link over to your blog from it.

    2. James…your 4 series are posted to the Bible class archive along with a link to your blog. I am about to post that they are there with a link to your blog as well. Thanks for allowing me to do this. God bless you and your ministry.

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