Mark Driscoll on Preaching Scatology

Driscoll sure knows how to turn eschatology into its abbreviated and certainly messier form – scatology. Out of Ur posted this video of Mark Driscoll preaching on scatological humor in the Bible. There are a few things I think are a little strange about this video. The first is his reference to the Dictionary of […]

Frank Peretti on Moral Relativism

When I was in high school, I would listen to focus on the family on my 20 minute drive to school. If it was really, really good I would tape it later that evening when it was replayed. I am sure dozens of you did this when you were 16, right? Anyway, my favorite talk […]

Books and Resources on the Holy Spirit

I am going to be writing some small group curriculum on the Holy Spirit. What resources have you found helpful in your studies? I am looking at the following: The Bible! Forgotten God: Reversing our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit by Francis Chan Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit by Charles Stanley […]