Keith Brenton Pokes Holes in the Notion of Congregational Autonomy

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I am appreciative for Keith’s post on this and how it challenged me. It asked questions that I have never taken time to ask myself (much less had a sharp enough mind to even consider). I appreciate his sincerity and honesty as well as his willingness to continue to ask what the Bible actually teaches on this subject. If you have a moment and find this a topic that interests you, you will want to read his thoughts.

Congregational Autonomy

In other adventures in things we thought we knew but maybe we didn’t…Claude Mariottini lays out the case for Moses’ staff turning into a crocodile, not a snake. That certainly changes the way I see that story unfolding. Also worth a read.

0 Responses

  1. Thanks for the link, Matt. I have to admit that I haven’t been able to spend time or brain cells to flesh out the ramifications of a kingdom architecture as opposed to a “congregational autonomy” structure, but am convinced that it has much stronger precedent in scripture.

    And I haven’t been able to find a lot written about the “scriptural-ness” of it!

    It’s a topic that really needs to be examined by better-trained (and better-thinking!) minds than my own.

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