King of Capital Hill – Vocal Similarities Between Barack Obama and Hank Hill

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Has anyone else ever thought they could hear hints of Hank Hill from Fox’s King of the Hill when President Obama speaks? I am not sure if it is the cadence or the tone or what. Can anyone else put their finger on the vocal similarities? I am trying to put together two clips to show the similarities but it is hard to find any good clips of Hank Hill on youtube.

0 Responses

  1. The beloved Hank Hill is the last person I would have ever associated President Obama with… What sort of medicine did you take this morning:-)?

    Grace and peace,


  2. No, but I would pay $20 to hear BHO say at a press conference: Can You Smelllllll What Barak Is Coookin’?

    he sounds just like THE ROCK to me!

  3. I can hear that too…maybe everyone hears him the way they want to just like when he says change…we assume he means the change we want personally but who really knows what change means.

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