Did Paul Preach Against the Law?

Mark NanosĀ  recently uploaded a paper he presented at the annual ETS meeting in 2008 on Paul and the law (ironic since his name is one letter of the alphabet from being the Greek word for Law). In it he challenges the idea that Paul was “law free.” There are portions of it I disagree […]

Were Gentiles Allowed in the Church After the Jews Rejected Christ?

Growing up I heard on numerous occasions that in order for the Gentiles (that is, non-Jews) to be allowed to become Christians the Jews first had to reject the offer of Christianity. The story goes something like this – Jesus died and rose again. The offer of salvation through Christ came first for the Jews. […]

Was the Law Nailed to the Cross?

Colossians 2:14 says, “having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.” The traditional interpretation of this verse is that the Law of Moses was what was nailed to the cross. Here is how David Lipscomb explained […]