Spam Emails – Do They Really Want to Sell You Viagra or is There Something More?

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I have always thought spam emails were sent because they worked. The thinking is they wouldn’t keep sending them if people didn’t follow the links and buy the product. Then I noticed that this blog was getting a tremendous amount of spam comments for the most off the wall and strange things. Why do spammers do what they do? Spammers are trying to get you to follow their links to websites that probe your computer for security weaknesses in your operating system and in your browser. If they find loopholes in your security they can load up your system with malware, trojan horses, spyware, or adware that damage your computer or far worse can even log each key you press on your keyboard. Why is that dangerous? Because you could type in your bank’s website and the probability is the next two things you type will be your username and password, effectively giving them all of your information and access to your accounts.

So the next time you get a link in an email from a source you are unsure of don’t click on it! You may do damage to your computer but even worse, to your bank account and finances.

0 Responses

  1. I don’t know.
    I don’t need viagra! 🙂
    So, I think it may be a way to get information.
    Medical information in a legal way.
    I would be cautious of any company that would ask any questions about personal information. So many scams!!!!

  2. I get them from a bank and the email looks identical to the bank I use. Then a few minutes later I get something from my bank saying not to click on it that it was a scam.


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