Creative Ways to Integrate Scripture Into Worship

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We tried a couple of new ways to incorporate scripture into our worship service during the Praise and Harmony Workshop. We did a responsive reading from portions of Psalm 136 and we also had a congregational reading of verses from Revelation 4 and 5. We have some scripture songs, where the lyrics are verbatim scripture that we sing periodically. Given that the song book of the early church was most likely the psalms (Eph 5:19) that would make sense. The psalms of ascent were probably recited on each step of the temple. I guess something like that could be incorporated into a worship service. You could have different people in the audience read different characters in the reading.

How else would you incorporate scripture into the worship service?

0 Responses

  1. Matt, thanks for telling us about what you all did.

    A “people of the Book,” folks in Churches of Christ should have no hesitation when it comes to responsive, or congregational readings, or long readings done by one person. But I have to say, simply because these practices are unusual in our churches, there are sometimes negative reactions to them (almost always poorly articulated). I think it goes better if it’s explained first and people have a chance to warm to it (?). (Not saying you didn’t do that; I’m speaking here from my own experience).

    I especially like the idea of singing the words of Scripture. That’s just so sound.

  2. Before we did the responsive and the congregational reading in the service I got up and said something about how that psalm was originally set to be read that way. Hearing that helped people jump right in. We had some people in tears over the congregational reading because it was very, very moving.

  3. You could use Psalms as part of the calls to sing and prayer. Before singing you could use:

    Minister: O Lord, open thou our lips.
    Congregation. And our mouths shall shew forth thy praise.


    Minister: Praise ye the Lord.
    Congregation. The Lord’s name be praised.

    Prior to prayer:

    Minister. O God, make speed to save us.
    <iAnswer. O Lord, make haste to help us.


    Minister. O Lord, shew thy mercy upon us
    Answer. And grant us thy salvation.
    Minister. O Lord, save thy people.
    Answer. And bless thine inheritance.
    Minister. O God, make clean our hearts within us.
    Answer. And take not thy holy Spirit from us.

    1. Methinks somebody is an Anglican. A right proper was to call people to prayer especially when sung by a cantor.

  4. 1. Determine whether or not you’re saved.
    2. In case you’re not saved according to the King James Authorized Word of GOD (for example I Cor 6:9, Gal 5:19-21), I pray that GOD draws you so that you may repent for your sins and ask Him to save you through His Beloved Son JESUS CHRIST.
    3. Let GOD lead you what to do.

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