Keith Lancaster Praise and Harmony Workshop – Northwest Church of Christ

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We had a tremendous weekend of singing and learning how to improve our worship. You will probably not meet two more gracious people than Keith and Sharon Lancaster. Their graciousness was only matched by their ability to draw out of people singing that is from the heart. We had a great singing on Saturday evening. Many people came from surrounding congregations, some from several counties away. Keith’s time with our worship leaders, AV people, and worship planners and coordinators was invaluable. Our worship Sunday morning was rich with song and scripture. It was moving to say the least. If you have an opportunity to host one of these workshops please take advantage of it. This really provided the catalyst for introducing new songs and enthusiasm in our worship while still respecting many of the older songs in our hymnals.

Here are a few pictures from the weekend (For more pictures see Keith’s blog here and his photo gallery…and don’t forget to sign his guest book!). Also see some beautiful pictures Keith took around St. Pete and Clearwater. Keith really taught us the power of effective song leading. I had no idea how much of an impact song leading could have until this weekend. Again, thanks to the Lancasters for the seeds they planted at Northwest this weekend. May four part harmony live on!

Keith Lancaster Worship Leading

Shaune and Nehemiah



0 Responses

  1. Leadership makes so much difference, and worship is no different. I’m happy you experienced such fulfilling worship this weekend.

    BTW, that guy in the first picture looks so familiar! 😉

    I remember spending a few days at Lipscomb University’s “IMPACT” in Nashville in 2001 on my way to Summer Experience at Harding University. Keith led worship in the evenings that week. During worship, someone bumped my arm & pointed my direction up to the upper deck on the right. Sitting by himself, taking in the worship, was none other than Michael W. Smith. Our fellowship has a fantastic ambassador of our musical tradition to the world in Keith Lancaster.

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