John Alan Turner on Authenticity

It doesn’t get much more authentic than Adam and Eve naked in the garden. What can we learn from that? See his post to find out. Also keep them in your prayers as his family deals with a loss.

Updates at Kingdom Living

One of my goals for Kingdom Living is to provide a variety of resources in one location that will be helpful to Christians and Christian ministers alike. I am committed to keeping this blog up-to-date through regular posting and adding resources that a relevant and current. I am also committed to posting on a regular […]

Gospel of Mark – God’s Vineyard (Mark 4:1-34)

In Mark 3 we found Jesus being accused of all sorts of things and the source of his authority had been challenged. In Mark 4 we find one of the only blocks of Jesus teachings in the entire Gospel, which is probably a response to those attacks. All of the teachings have some connection with […]