The Golden Compass – A Christian Review

Paul Davis did go to see the Golden Compass. See his review here. I want to mention a couple of reactions to his post. I have not seen the movie and so I say this cautiously. 1 – Paul believes that the group that is supposed to parallel the church more closely parallels the government […]

International Human Rights Day – December 10

Today is International Human Rights Day. Here is a video to put our feet back on the ground in a world that surrounds us with images targeted at keeping us comfortable by buying product rather than helping others. This video is called “Awaiting Tomorrow”

Jesus and Nicodemus – John 3

“Rabbi, We know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.” From the title of this post you probably already know who said this. It was not one of Jesus’ disciples (at least not yet!-19:39? ). It […]