A Tribute to John Dobbs

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I just wanted to take a moment to thank John. I can see his influence all over the place. I appreciate the consistency of his writing which I know isn’t very easy to do. I admire his willingness to connect people and to compile a well maintained blogroll. We all know about his work with Katrina relief and the people who have seen Jesus through that work. I want to say thank you. Feel free to chime in with the comments section to let him know you appreciate him.

(Picture adapted without permission from Wade Tannehill’s blog. Notice John’s uncanny ability to hold up an air conditioning vent with two fingers and a piece of card stock. America’s Got Talent has nothing on John).

0 Responses

  1. I’ll join in. In part due to John’s willingness to treat others as Jesus would, I saw a church being Jesus in ways I had really only dreamed of. Not that it was all nice and neat. There were people involved that were not too cleaned up and some that others thought were not the right religious group. And in that He has taken some hits personally. John, I hope you count those sufferings among Christ’s. He too had people around that didn’t fit the mold, that were “sinners” and he too had the wrong religious crowd around (depending on what crowd you were in). Through all that, John has shined! I love him for that.

  2. John is a good man for sure. I have known him for several years now and have been greatly blessed by my association with him.

    You have chosen wisely.

    Bobby Valentine

  3. I have never met John. But like a lot of other people, I have appreciated and admired what he seems to be about. He apparently has a funny bone too.

  4. John is definitely one of my best friends. He has been my friend for a long time. I also admire his talents, he is a man of many! Thanks for writing this Matt!

  5. Matt, this is just the nicest thing you’ve done… I certainly never expected anything like that! I appreciate the encouragement so much. I’m turning red! Well…my brother … you have lifted my soul today and I appreciate it. Thanks also to Tommy, Bobby, Frank, and Chris. I am so grateful to be surrounded by friends and brothers who not only speak the message of Jesus, but live it!

  6. Late to the party, too, but I don’t want to miss the chance to tip my hat to John. He’s a blessing to his home community with his organization of so many out-of-town workers helping with the clean up, and to his on-line community with his blogroll, daily thoughts, links, and encouraging comments.

    What a guy!

  7. JD is a good man. I’m enjoying building a distant relationship with him through the blogging world.

    I wish we were closer so I could get to know him better.


  8. I feel vain for checking back…but mostly in case someone has responded…so thanks Trey and Jim … both excellent bloggers, both faithful men of God. I’m grateful for both of you!

    Thanks again Matt.

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