Nearly Have the Bugs Worked Out

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I am almost there in having the bugs worked out. I finally got my blogroll up to date and am trying to figure out how to add html to the sidebar without having to pay. I guess you have to upgrade and edit the CSS. Sorry for those of you I left off the sidebar earlier. If you teach Bible classes there are many good links in the page tabs at the top of the blog to have a look at. I am going to continue organizing and improving these to make them as user friendly and easy to navigate as possible.

0 Responses

  1. Good luck with this. Like I said back on your other blog, I’ve hated having my mission blog on WordPress, and am planning to get mission supporters moved over to Igneous Quill soon.

  2. There is only one thing I don’t like so far and that is the inability to use javascript on the sidebar. That means my Zhubert bible/greek search doesn’t work any more and I really don’t like that. But everything else is working better than with blogger. I really like what you have over there at igneous quill. You have really done a good job with it.

  3. That seems to be one of the problems I had with WordPress. You seem to be getting some sidebar widgets in, though. I never could with WordPress. Isn’t there a pretty low limit on photo uploads on WordPress, too? Thanks for the kind words about Igneous Quill. It’s not exactly a hotspot on the blogosphere, but I enjoy doing it.

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