Days of Elisha

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In a silly mood from having watched the Mike Cope video on Youtube, I thought I would post something I wrote with a good friend of mine from graduate school, Paul McMullen. We wrote this in about 45 minutes one afternoon. It was pretty entertaining. Feel free to add lines/verses of your own!

It is entitled “Days of Elisha.” No disrespect here – just references to several of the wacky stories of the Bible. Just put it to the tune of “Days of Elijah” and it will all make sense.

These are the days of Elisha,
Sending out bears to kill men.
And these are the days of that naughty,
Bathsheba, bathing, seducing David.
And these are the days of Hosea.
He had to marry a whore.
These are the days of your servant, Jonah,
who won’t be the voice of the Lord.

Behold they come, lots of bears with claws.
Woman on the roof, taking her clothes off.
Hosea’s kids, lots of awful names.
Jonah’s in a whale, it’s all insane!

These are the days of Methusaleh,
When am I going to die?
And these are the days of that strong man,
Samson, he lost his hair and his eyes.
And these are the days of Isaiah,
God told me to lay in the buff.
And these are the days of Moses’, kids,
Mom, why’d you cutt off my stuff?


0 Responses

  1. Hey…I think I like it better than the actual song! I really can’t wait for that one to be cycled through to the huge pile of newer songs that we’ve already stopped singing.

  2. So Matt, you’ve got two people who think you did a pretty good job on this parody. Why don’t you become the Weird Al Yankovic of Christian music?

  3. Matt, you know I love this song! That is so great!

    BTW, what happened to the “Bridge?”

    ‘Bathsheba take your clothes off …’

  4. One more thing. My favorite parody lyrics of your’s, Matthew, are the ones to Trading My Sorrows. I giggle a little anytime I hear that song, and to myself always sing, “No, Satan, No, Satan, NO NO, Satan!”

    Good times.


  5. The Bridge was compliments of Charles Kiser. As soon as he heard this version, he busted out with that line as a repeat at the end. It was pretty priceless.

    If you have never heard the bridge of Days of Elijah, it is “There’s no God like Jehova”

    For this parody, Charles substituted – “Bathsheba take your clothes off”
    That guy is a quick thinker.

  6. Oh, and thanks Philip for mentioning Trading My Sorrows. I had forgotten all about that. Those were certainly good times and great memories in Gainesville. I can’t wait until we can all be around each other again. That will be a blast.

  7. Matt,

    I still forward people on to your lyrics here all the time; whenever Days of Elijah comes up. This was just masterful. haha


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