Schizophrenia – A Frequently Misused Word

I can’t tell you how many times and from some of the most reputable authors and sources I see the word schizophrenia misused. Over and over I read and hear people use the term schizophrenia or schizophrenic when they mean multiple personality disorder. The most recent comes from Thom Rainer in Simple Church, “When ministry […]

One of the Best Christian Books on Sex – A Celebration of Sex

In studying for our 20s & 30s class on sex, Missy recommended to me a really good book written from a Christian perspective. It is called A Celebration of Sex: A Guide to Enjoying God’s Gift of Sexual Intimacy written by Dr. Douglas Rosenau. The book is broken down into these sex…I mean six sections: […]

Religious Systematic Desensitization

Back in General Psych 101 you probably remember the term “Systematic Desensitization.” This is a treatment used for phobias where you take that person and slowly introduce them to their phobia first at a great distance and then closer and closer until they realize they aren’t really afraid of it anymore. You can’t just put […]

Cutting – What Parents, Teachers, and Ministers Need to Know

I am amazed at how few people are aware of this growing trend among young people. We normally think of cutting the arms and wrists and suicidal behavior but more and more teens and young adults are tuning to this habit as a form of emotional release and control. This video explains much of the […]

James Dobson Steps Down

Anyone else hear the news of James Dobson stepping down as Chair of Focus on the Family? I have a tremendous respect for much of his work over the years. Here is the press release from Focus.

Credibility and Confidence

When I was a student at Harding University I took a class in social psychology. Myself, Sherri Scharff, and Rachel Crum did a research project on the effects of confidence on how credible a speaker was perceived to be by an audience. We wrote two speeches about the history of psychology. One speech had 100% […]

Tom Cruise Psychiatry Challenge

See if you are able to tell Tom Cruise, “I know the history of psychiatry. You don’t.” The following questions are based on Cruise’s interview with Matt Lauer found here. True or False 1. Psychology and psychiatry are the same thing. 2. Psychiatry falls under the category of “pseudoscience” or something that claims to be […]

Perceptions of Divorce on a College Campus

This video hits close to home for me because this morning I have been talking on the phone with a husband (who is a dear friend of mine from the past) and his wife who told him last Sunday she had an affair. This information is very relevant and no longer deserves the place of […]

Will a Shortening Attention Span Affect Our Memory?

How many things are you bombarded with on a daily basis? I marvel when I spend time with our preaching minister who tells stories from his childhood from several decades ago. He remembers the names, situations, nicknames, locations, and just about any other detail you can remember. Besides the fact that he has an amazing […]