The 30% shift

I am a firm believer that the mission of the church is both inward and outward. The thing many churches face is that the inward focus has so far outweighed the outward focus that we find ourselves in need of balance and so we have a tendency to over correct. In a new article at […]

Oldfangled Ideas that Become “Progressive”

Some new ideas are actually very much old ideas. Over time new ideas spring up that squelch out what people had thought for centuries or even millennia.  Given enough time and enough influential people to perpetuate those ideas and they become orthodox. When an attempt is made to revive  the ancient ideas some will be […]

Holiness and Low Church

In the Old Testament there were all sorts of reminders of God’s holiness and his holy requirements for his people. There were holy places and spaces…holy things and holy people. The temple was holy and so were parts of the temple like the altar. The priestly garments were holy as were the priests themselves. Then […]

The Sermon on the Mount – The Beatitudes Part 2

Last Sunday I spent some time unpacking the meaning and application of Jesus’ beatitudes in the sermon on the mount. When you have a moment give it a listen. I believe you will be blessed and encouraged as you listen to just how much God loves you.

Am I Theologically Conservative or Progressive? The Answer May Surprise You

Labels are everywhere. You cannot avoid them and in many ways they are helpful in making sense of our world. Labels are shorthand for understanding things…we are always trying to understand things but we don’t have the mental capacity or the discipline of our attention to fully comprehend anything much less reasonably comprehend much of […]