C. Michael Patton on Textual Criticism

Check out Patton’s easy to read Textual Criticism for Dummies post. It hits the highlights and is helpful to those who aren’t really familiar with what textual criticism is and the process it takes to come to an accurate text and translation today. Here is the link.

The TNIV Translators Speak

Hear what Gordon Fee, Douglas Moo, and Karen Jobes (some of the translators of the TNIV) have to say about the TNIV. These are some highly respected biblical scholars. While the TNIV had its share of problems I really wish they would reconsider and at least do a thorough revision to give this translation a […]

What Rob Bell Thinks of the TNIV

I am sure the question burning in your minds since you found out the TNIV is going out of production is, “I wonder what Rob Bell thinks of the TNIV?” Well wait no longer… [HT: Dave Wainscott] No matter what you think of Rob Bell and his theology we can still appreciate Mars Hill’s willingness […]

TNIV (2001-2011)

R.I.P. What is touted on the Zondervan website as “Today’s newest and brightest translation” is going the way of the dodo. It is being discontinued in favor of a revision of the NIV. I am a little disappointed because it really was a pretty good translation. Like any translation it had its flaws (like changing […]

Eugene Peterson on Word Over Personal Experience

I want to counter this widespread practice of taking personal experience instead of the Bible as the authority for living. I want to pull the Christian Scriptures back from the margins of the contemporary imagination where they have been so rudely elbowed by their glamorous competitors, and reestablish them at the center as the text […]

Codex Sinaiticus Now Online

For all of you lovers of biblical manuscripts you can now view the full text of Codex Sinaiticus online. This is one of the most significant texts of the New Testament in existence from the 4th century AD. Wikipedia article. To read it online see this link. [HT: Rob Bradshaw]

Communication and the Bible

Communication is not just what is said, it is also what is heard. What is heard is dependent on all kinds of factors. In face-to-face interactions that might include non-verbals like posture, eye contact, expression, and gesticulations. It can also include tone, volume, and very last…words. You know how Americans go overseas and talk really […]

What Can We Learn from False gods of the Bible?

There are some things that are just not up for debate when it comes to deciding what to believe as Christians. One of those things is that there is only one God.There are not household gods, city gods, and gods for different parts of nature and culture. There is only one God (Deut 6:4). There […]