Two Posts on Worship, One From Each Extreme

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A post on old stale worship – Your Worship Service is B-O-R-I-N-G! by Sean Palmer

There is a wealth of information and stories in the comments. Have a look at the comment by Brad Carter where he tells the story about having a funeral for Jesus on Good Friday. Wow.

A post on hip, trendy worship where no one is singing – Why Men Have Stopped Singing in Church by David Murrow

  • Looks like this site is down right now.
  • Summary – He started off by talking about how hundreds of years ago worship in the assembly was done exclusively by professionals. The Reformation brought worship back to the people. We have now come full circle where many churches have a crew of professional musicians on stage doing worship for us, just like the 14th century. There are several other factors he mentions in the article but you have probably witnessed this yourself – people don’t sing like they used to. I would add to his points that for some today, singing out loud in a room with people around you just seems awkward. It is hard to recognize that if you grew up in church.

On one extreme the lack of preparation, lack of creativity and lack of the freedom to try new/vibrant things is killing our worship and in the second post those very things taken to the other extreme is having the same effect.

One Response

  1. Matt,

    I”m having trouble gaining access to the second post, but I can imagine what the post was about. A group of fellow youth and family workers and I just had this conversation yesterday. How do we make worship more engaging without falling into the trap of entertainment. It is a great question, and one that has been around for ages. We need to make changes if for no other reason than to remind people there is sometimes more than one way to order our services and still remain scriptural.


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