Christians and Retirement

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Missy and I have been talking about getting ready for retirement. I am curious what your take is on retirement. As a Christian I know my future is ultimately not in a 401k or a Roth IRA. However, I don’t want to be a burden on my children by being irresponsible. I have known some Christians who decided not to plan for retirement because they wanted to use their money for God across their lifetime. I have known other Christians who have put all their time in worrying over the future. Where do you find the balance?

0 Responses

  1. Living in an individualistic culture where the burden & pressure of aged parent care does not necessarily fall upon a child or children, I think that it is absolutely responsible to plan for retirement. Ideally, we wouldn’t have to store up, or “hoard,” resources for use when we can no longer provide for ourselves. But America is not Utopia. I understand those who would feel guilty about storing money that could be used to help feed starving children or support a critical missionary effort. But being responsible about providing for one’s own needs (again, given a culture where no one else will gladly provide for your needs) should be a priority.

    Obviously, I think that sanctified common sense is called for. How much one sets aside for the future should be carefully considered & prayed over. And what to do with whatever is left-over in death should be thoughtfully considered.

    I obviously take my stance in large part based on how our culture currently operates. But I do wonder how we might be counter-cultural here. Pragmatically… Logistically… I wonder how we could make it work so that we don’t have to save for retirement. Any bright ideas out there?

  2. Sorry for the the off topic comment. But, as we turn our hearts toward family and friends during the Christmas holiday, I wanted to let you to know that I am thankful for blessing of many new friends I’ve come to “know” here in blogland. The tie that binds us is our shared love for and devotion to the Savior whose birth we remember during this special time of the year. May your days be full of holiday blessings; and, may your heart be filled with the warmth of His presence.

    Spiritual Oasis Blog

  3. Matt, this is more-specifially about ministers and retirement. I’m sure you saw the recent story in the Christian Chronicle about how most preachers in Churches of Christ are ill-prepared for any sort of retirement. The large percentage of preachers who work with small to medium-sized congregations must be taught to (1) ask for adequate financial support and (2) excercise financial discipline so that they have some options later in life. If they find themselves with more money than they know what to do with, most of our preachers can be trusted to give, give, give. That’s what they’re used to doing.

  4. Matt,
    I don’t think Christians should ever retire from work.
    They can always find something to do.

    I hope you and your family have a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year brother.
    In Him,
    Kinney Mabry

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